Over 15 Years Of Providing
Family Law And Divorce Resolutions

Anne E. Lewis, P.L.C. Legal Blog

Why is it important to establish paternity?

Co-creating the life of a child can bring inexpressible joy. With that joy, however, comes a long list of responsibilities and obligations. These parental responsibilities are easier to satisfy when committed parents work together. While the identity of the birth mother is always unquestionable, establishing paternity, or the identity of the birth father, isn’t always so easy. In the state…

7 Mediation Steps

1. Be prepared to compromise and come to an agreement, not win It goes without saying that bad feelings often accompany divorcing couples. There can be a sense of wanting to get even, to win, or to be repaid for the sadness you’ve experienced as a result of the marriage. Many divorcing individuals want to find a sense of fairness…

Don’t view divorce as a failure

Many people think of divorce as a type of failure. The marriage would’ve been a success, but getting divorced means that the marriage failed. This is how they look at it and, sometimes, it is why they put off getting divorced even when it is what they want. But it is a mistake to look at divorce in this light.…

Helping your children adjust to shared custody

The issues in your marriage came to a head, with you and your spouse deciding to go your separate ways. However, it’s not as simple as moving in separate directions now because you have children together. You negotiated effectively during divorce proceedings and a shared custody agreement has been signed off on by the court. Now, it’s up to you…

When your co-parent objects to a move

If you’re single or divorced without children, it’s up to you when and where you want to move. But if you’re divorced, and you have children with a former spouse, this can cause some problems. For example, say that you’re originally from another state, but you moved to Michigan for college. You got married, had a child and then got…

Do you share legal custody with your co-parent?

Custody of the children can be physical or legal. Physical custody covers the locations of the children and how parenting time is shared, while legal custody determines the decision-making rights of each parent. When you share legal custody with your co-parent, both of you have the legal authority to make key decisions affecting the children’s lives. It is a crucial…
